
The Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication appreciates your membership. A low-cost annual dues payment by your school gives each of your faculty full membership benefits in our organization, a non-profit regional affiliate of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

SWECJMC membership offers several benefits and opportunities, including:

  • Your faculty and graduate students gain access to a forum for research presentations at our annual Southwest Symposium research conference held each fall.
  • Your faculty and graduate students become eligible to publish articles in our respected, peer-reviewed scholarly online publication Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, published twice a year and listed in EBSCO.
  • Your faculty qualify for membership on our Board, including all officer positions.

This is an excellent opportunity for faculty to meet and work with other scholars in the region, for new faculty to establish their research, and for all faculty to contribute to their scholarship and professional service. We represent a nine-state region that includes: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana,Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. We are proud that SWECJMC is the only regional affiliate of AEJMC that publishes its own online journal, and each year one issue of our journal is dedicated to the six top-ranked papers of our Symposium.

Our organization provides a supportive, intellectually stimulating and rewarding venue for scholars throughout our region that is unmatched for programs in mass communication fields.

Membership per school is $100 per year. You can pay online using the button below, or submit payment by check to:

Southwestern Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication (SWECJMC)
c/o T. Phillip Madison, SWECJMC Treasurer
Department of Communication
Burke-Hawthorne Hall, Room 106
P.O. Box 43650
Lafayette, LA 70504